Desert vistas   -   balancey vertical pitches   -   gorgeous day hikes   -   chilly mountain mornings   -   sleeping under the stars   -   climbing on fossils   -   Tasty camp meals   -   pumpy limestone overhangs   -   Learning new skills   -   time with buddies



Every spring break, SOP climbers make a pilgrimage to Shelf Road, a renown and stunning sport-climbing area in the high desert of Colorado. With hundreds of routes on beautiful limestone cliffs, Shelf Road has more than enough outstanding climbs to keep our crew busy for eight days. Throughout the trip, students refine their climbing skillset, push themselves physically, and cement friendships within Sewanee's climbing community.



On off days (or when snow rolls in!), climbers stay busy with exploratory hikes into the awe-inspiring surrounding landscape. Red sandstone towers, dry arroyos filled with rounded boulders, and the nearby Sangre de Cristo Mountains make for a spectacular backdrop at the crag.



The technical nature of this trip demands that participants be experienced sport climbers capable of leading and cleaning bolted routes. If you're interested in developing the skill set needed for a Shelf Road spring break, hop on the SOP's weekly climbing trips to start building your base!


Shelf Road Desert Shenanigans

Climb on!